Категория: Новости


Автор Название Журнал Год Тема
B. Aran The Church of St. Theodossia and the Monastery of Christ Eurgetes JOB 28 / 1979 архитектура топография
F. Dirimtekin The Museum of St. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin Work done in 1957-58 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin Work done in St. Sophia and the monuments under the same administration Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin Finds at Akoren north-west of Yassivaran Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin Hereke (Caracas, Castle of Haraka) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin The Church of Beylerbey Annual of Ayasofya Museum 1 / 1959
F. Dirimtekin Mosaic recently discovered in Ayasofya Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
F. Dirimtekin The room south-west of the atrium Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
F. Dirimtekin Finds from the site of the Old Square west of the town hall at Sarrachane Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
F. Dirimtekin Fenari Isa. Remains of the mosaics in the church of the monatery of Lips Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
A. Erder The byzantine cistern south-east of St. Irene Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
S. Tanzug Restoration work at Fethiye Camii Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
N. Firath An antique sarcophagus lids used by the byzantines Annual of Ayasofya Museum 2 / 1960
F. Dirimtekin The Museum of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
F. Dirimtekin Work done in 1960-61 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
F. Dirimtekin The Bronze door of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
F. Dirimtekin Church of St. Sophia (Süleyman Paşa) at Vize Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
F. Dirimtekin Archwise space under inner nartex of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
F. Dirimtekin Room with frescoes in one of the buttress of St. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
S. Eyice Decorative pottery used in external facades in Byzantine architecture Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
A. Erder Relief slab inouter nartex of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
L. Akin Baptisinal fort in exonartex of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
S. Tansug The Şadirvan of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 3 / 1961
The Museum of Ste. Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
Restorations Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
Work done in the museum Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
F. Dirimtekin Marble slabs inscribed with the acts of the synod of 1166 assembled by the emperor Manuel Comnenus Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
F. Dirimtekin The Olympiados convent Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
F. Dirimtekin Rock church at Vize Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
F. Dirimtekin Mosaic pavement discovered near Esenkoy in the district of Mahmud Bey west of Istanbul Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
A. Erder Relief plate in Ayasofya Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
L. Akin Figured column capitals Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
E. Ataceri An unknown Byzantine cistern in Istanbul Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
S. Tansug Byzantine antiques in the park of the Süreyya Paşa sanatorium for workmen, at Maltepe Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
S. Tansug First restoration of mosaics in the church of Saint Irene Annual of Ayasofya Museum 4 / 1962
F. Dirimtekin Explorations in the environs of Istanbul and in thrace Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
F. Dirimtekin Vize et ses antiquites Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
F. Dirimtekin Antiquites de Karaköçek Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
F. Dirimtekin La fortresse de Vize Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
F. Dirimtekin La tour au nord - ouest de la route et l`ouvrage quandrangulaire Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
La Citadelle Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
La technique constructive et la date de construction des murailles Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
Pinarhisar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
Çatalca Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
The walls of Midye Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
F. Dirimtekin The church of St. Nicholas Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
A. Erder Relief slab exhibited in the Ayasofya Museum Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
L. Akin The ornaments kufic decoration Annual of Ayasofya Museum 5 / 1963
Reparations and preparations Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
Les fouilees faits dans le jardin de ste. Stophie Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
F. Dirimtekin Studies in Thrace and in Pelekanon Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
F. Dirimtekin Explorations in Vize Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
The byzantine castle of Selymbria Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
The Fatih mosque Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
The mausoleum of Selim II Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
Les mosaiques trouvees a Tcheumlekayiler Bayiri, situe a quatre kilometres de Marmara ereglise Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
Ayten Erder Slab with representation of a stag Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
Some byzantine cisterns recently discovered in Instanbul Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
C. Artuk Medals concerning St. Sophia in the archeological museum of Istanbul Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
Byzantine ceramics. Byzantine cermaics with human figures Annual of Ayasofya Museum 6 / 1965
F. Dirimtekin Perinthus, Heraclee, Mygdonia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
F. Dirimtekin Les murailles d`Eregli Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
F. Dirimtekin Le port situe a l`ouest d`Eregli (Perinthus, Heraclee) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
Sezer Tansug The environs of Ayasofia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
Ayten Erder First ottoman ceramics in the museum of Ayasofia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
Kitap ve Makale Kritikleri. Ayasofia hakkinda son yillarda yapilan bazi aciklamalar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 7 / 1967
F. Dirimtekin The Augusteum Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
F. Dirimtekin The Milion (Miliurum, Aureum) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
F. Dirimtekin An antique alter at the vicinity of Subasi village, 10 km. North of Catalca Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
Sezer Tansug St. Sophia and Ottoman additions Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
Sezer Tansug Krautheimer`de Istanbul yapilari Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
Esin Tolunay Michael Maclagan. The city of Constantinopole. London, 1968 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
Ayten Erder Paul A. Underwood. "The Kariye Djami" bollingen foundation 1966 NY Annual of Ayasofya Museum 8 / 1969
Dr. Semari Eyice The Saint Sophia Horologion and Clock Room Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9 / 1983
Sabahattin Turkoglu Excavation of the Saint Sophia Skevophylakion Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9 / 1983
A. Pasinli, C. Soyhan Report on the Rescue excavation carried out in the Manganes region, in 1976 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9 / 1983
S. Basegmez A Byzantine Gospels in the Saint Sophia Museum Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9 / 1983
E. Yugel Obituary: Dr. Nezih Firatli (1921-1979) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9 / 1983
Dr. Nurettin Yardimci Onsoz Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1983
Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligina bagli Ayasofya Muzesi ve yonetimindeki binalar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1984
E. Eren Muze calismalari (1969-1983) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1985
S. Tansug Feridun Dirimtekin`in anisina Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1986
S. Eyice Ayasofya Horologion`u ve muvakkithanesi Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1987
S. Turkoglu Ayasofya Skevophilakionu kazisi Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1988
A. Arpat Divine Numbers in the Dimensions of Hagia Sophia Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1989
A. Pasinli, C. Soyhan Manganlar bolgesinde 1976 yilinda kurtarma kazisina ait rapor Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1990
S. Basegmez Ayasofya Muzesi`nde bulunan bir Bizans incili Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1991
E. Yucel Dr. Nezih Firatli Annual of Ayasofya Museum 9-2 / 1992
Dr. N. Yardimci Onsoz Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligina bagli Ayasofya Muzesi ve yonetimindeki binalar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
Muze calismalari (1984) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
E. Yugel Buyuk Saray Mozaikleri ve Konservasyon Calismalari Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
A. Koyunlu Ayasofya Kubbe Kasnagindaki Payandalar, onarim sorunlari - Kursun Kaplama Onerisi Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
L. Butler The Nave Cornices of Hagia Sophia: Preliminary Results of a Study Undertaken in 1983 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
A. Arpat Jesus Christus und die Zahl 12 in den Dimensionen der Sergios- Bakchos Kirche zu Istanbul Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
P. ian Kuniholm, C. Striker Dendrochronological Investigations at St. Sophia in Istanbul: A Preliminary Report Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
A. Pasinli, C. Soyhan, T. Birgili Istanbul - Kucuk Ayasofya Semtinde bulunan bir Bizans Sarnici Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
I. Oz Beyazit. Simkeshane Yapisi Restorasyonu, Theodossius Taki ve Hasan Pasa Hani`nin sorunlari Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
A. Ustuner Die, im Jahre 1964, bei der Sultanahmet (Istanbul) Grabung gefundene ottomanische Keramik Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
E. Yugel Osterreic hisch - Turkische Restaurierungsarbeiten on den Mosaiken des Groben Pakistes Von Konstantinopal Annual of Ayasofya Museum 10 / 1985
S. Eyice Ayasofya`lar. The other Ayasofyas Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
R. Mainstone Recent studies of the design, construction and subsequent history of Justunian`s Hagia Sophia. Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
S. Basegmez Decorations in the Seljuk style in two armenian manuscript gospels. Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
W. Muller-Wiener Zum verhaltnis von palast und stadt in Konstantinopel. Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
A. Arpat Entwursfrundlagen im grabdenkmai des osmanischen admirales Barboros Hayrettin. Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
A. Koyunlu Die bodenbelaege und der errichtungsort der I.II.III Hagia Sophia im lichte einer audgrabung. Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
E. Yucel Ayasofya calismalari ve yapilan anarimlar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
K. Herold Istanbul`daki Bizans saray mozayklerinin korunmasi Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
Resimler, sekiller Annual of Ayasofya Museum 11 / 1990
E. Ozgen Onsoz Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
Ayasofya ve bagli birimleri Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
H. Veli Yenisoganci Ayasofya calismalari (1991) Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
Ayasofya koruma problemleri Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
W. Jobst, P. Turnovsky Forschungen und Restaurierungen am palastmosaik von Konstantinopel Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
K. Hidaka Preliminary Report of the Research Work at Ayasofya during the Summer of 1991 Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
C. Mango The Palace of the Boukoleon Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
N. Bayraktar Istanbul` un Bizans sarniclari hakkinda bir Osmanli Arsiv Belgesi Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
S. Eskalen Ayasofya muzesinde bulunan ikonalar Annual of Ayasofya Museum 12 / 1992
C. Bouras The architecture of the church of the Panaghia Mouchliotissa in Constantinople ΔEΛTION THΣ XPIΣTIANIKHΣ APXAIOΛOΓIKHΣ ETAIPEIAΣ Athens, 2005 архитектура
F. Dirimtekin Le Skevophylakion de Sainte-Sophie Revue des Etudes Byzantines ? архитектура
H. Guilland Études sur le grand palais de Constantinople Revue des etudes byzantines, Vol. XIX Paris, 1961 архитектура история
F. Dirimtekin Les fouilles dans la region des Blachernes pour retrouver les substructions des palais des Comnenes Tϋrk Arkeoloji Dergisi Ankara, 1959 архитектура археология
F. Dirimtekin Les murailles (D`Istanbul) de Constantinopolis Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1965 архитектура археология
F. Dirimtekin Les palais imperiaux byzantins Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1965 архитектура археология
S. Eyice Les eglises byzantines d`Istanbul (du IXe au XV siècle) Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1965 архитектура
S. Eyice Les monuments chretiens de Karadagh (Binbirkilise) Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1971 архитектура археология
S. Eyice Les monuments byzantines de la thrace turque Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1971 архитектура
S. Eyice Monuments byzantins anatoliens inedits ou peu-connus Corsi di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1971 архитектура археология
S. Eyice Le baptistere de Sainte Sophie d`Istanbul Atti del IX congresso internazionale di archeologia cristiana, Vol. II Roma, 1978 архитектура
S. Eyice Les basiliques byzantines d`Istanbul XXVI corso di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1979 архитектура
S. Eyice Les eglises byzantines a plan central d`Istanbul XXVI corso di cultura sull`arte ravennate e byzantina Ravenna, 1979 архитектура
H.-R. Toivanen The church of St. Polyeuktos: archaeology and texts Acta Byzantina Fennica, 2 (2003-2004) Helsinki, 2005 архитектура
R. Krautheimer Again Saints Sergius and Bacchus at Constantinople Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Vol. 23 Wien, 1974 архитектура
N. Zimmermann S. Westphallen. Die Odalar Camii in Istanbul. Architektur und malerei einer mittelbyzantinischen Kirche. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Vol. 57 Wien, 2007 архитектура живопись
P. L. Vocotopoulos The role of Constantinopolitan architecture during the middle and late byzantine period ? архитектура
Липатов А.А. Церковь Христа Спасителя в Халке и техника кладки с утопленным рядом Реликвия №3 2003 архитектура
A. Vasiliev Imperial porphyry sarcophagi in Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 4 1948 архитектура
A. Vasiliev The monument of Porphyrius in the Hippodrome at Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 4 1948 архитектура
G. Downey The builder of the original church of the Apostles at Constantinople: A contribution to the criticism of the "Vita Constantini" attributed to Eusebius Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 6 1951 архитектура
R. Jenkins, C. Mango The date and significance of the Tenth Homily of Photius Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 9 1956 общее
P. Underwood Notes on the work of the Byzantine institute in Istanbul: 1955-1956 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 12 1958 общее
P. Underwood Notes on the work of the Byzantine institute in Istanbul: 1957 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 13 1959 общее
C. Mango, I. Ševcenko Remains of the church of St. Polyeuktos at Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 15 1961 архитектура
P. Underwood, E. Hawkins The mosaics of Hagia Sophia at Istanbul: the portrait of the Emperor Alexander: a report on work done by the Byzantine Institute in 1959 and 1960 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 15 1961 живопись
A. Megaw The original form of the Theotokos church of Constantine Lips Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 18 1964 архитектура
C. Mango, E. Hawkins The apse mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul. Report on work carried out in 1964 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 19 1965 живопись
R. Krautheimer The Constantinian Basilica Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 21 1967 архитектура
E. Hawkins Further observations on the narthex mosaic in St. Sophia at Istanbul Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 22 1968 живопись
R. Mainstone The reconstruction of the tympana of St. Sophia at Istanbul Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 23 1969-1970 архитектура
C. Mango, E. Hawkins The mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul. The church fathers in the north tympanum Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 26 1972 живопись
G. Majeska St. Sophia in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: the Russian travelers on the relics Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 27 1973 история
T. Mathews, C. Mango Observations on the church of Panagia Kamariotissa on Heybeliada (Chalke) Istanbul with a note on Panagia Kamariotissa and some imperial foundations of the tenth and eleventh centuries at Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 27 1973 архитектура
N. Oikonomides Leo VI and the narthex mosaic of Saint Sophia Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 30 1976 живопись
R. Cormick, E. Hawkins The mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul: the rooms above the southwest vestibule and ramp Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 31 1977 живопись
Ø. Hjort The sculpture of Kariye Camii Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 33 1979 скульптура
M. Vickers A painted window in Saint Sophia at Istanbul Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 37 1983 архитектура живопись
T. Mathews, E. Hawkins Notes on the Atik Mustafa Pasa Camii in Istanbul and its frescoes Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 39 1985 архитектура живопись
R. Ousterhout A sixteenth-century visitor to the Chora Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 39 1985 история
S. Bassett The antiquities in the Hippodrome of Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 45 1991 археология
A. Berger Streets and public spaces in Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 топография
B. Pentcheva Imagined images: visions of salvation and intercession in a double-sided icon from Poganovo Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 живопись
Byzantine Eschatology: views on death and the last things, 8th to 15th centuries: Dumbarton Oaks Symposium 1999 (program) Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
C. Mango The triumphal way of Constantinople and the Golden Gate Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
G. Maniatis The organizational setup and functioning of the fish market in tenth-century Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
H. Maguire Gardens and parks in Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 топография
H. Maguire, R. Ousterhout Introduction: Constantinople: the fabric of the city Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
J. Bardill The church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople and monophysite refugees Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
J. Nesbitt, E. McGeer Nicolas Oikonomides: 1934-2000 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 биография
K. Maxwell Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, codex grec. 54 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 живопись
M. Ahunbay, Z. Ahunbay Recent work on the land walls of Istanbul: tower 2 to tower 5 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 археология
M. Mango The commercial map of Constantinople Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 топография
P. Chevedden The invention of the counterweight trebuchet: a study in cultural diffusion Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
P. Magdalino The maritime neighborhoods of Constantinople: commercial and residential functions, sixth to twelfth centuries Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
Pilgrimage in the Byzantine Empire, 7th-15th centuries: Dumbarton Oaks Symposium 2000 (program) Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
R. Labrusse, N. Podzemskaia Naissance d`une vocation: aux sources de la carrière byzantine de Thomas Whittemore Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 история
R. Ousterhout Contextualizing the later churches of Constantinople: suggested methodologies and a few examples Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 архитектура
R. Ousterhout, Z. Ahunbay, M. Ahunbay, A. Özϋgϋl Study and restoration of the Zeyrek Camii in Istanbul: first report, 1997-98 Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 архитектура археология
S. Stevens Excavations of an early christian pilgrimage complex at Bir Ftouha (Carthage) Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 археология
S. Westphalen The byzantine Basilica at Priene Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 54 2000 архитектура
K. Dark The byzantine church and monastery of St. Mary Peribleptos in Istanbul The Burlington magazine, Vol. 141 # 1160 1999 архитектура
C. Maranci The architect Trdat: building practices and cross-cultural exchange in Byzantium and Armenia The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 62 #3 2003 архитектура
R. Ousterhout Building medieval Constantinople Departmental Papers (History of Art) Vol. 19/20 1994-1996 архитектура топография, история